I have a Million Bookmarks

Ok, well maybe it’s not quite a million but it’s a lot. You catch my drift. You see, I’m the kind of person who loves to save interesting articles, videos, and resources to revisit later. But there’s a catch — I almost never seem to remember to actually go back and check them out! It’s like an episode of Hoarders when the hoarder is trying to justify keeping something because they know they’ll use it at “some point.” However, upon assessing the situation, it appears that the item they want to hold on to has no use whatsoever. 

Let’s face it — ADHD and digital distractions go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. 

You can’t think of one without thinking about the other. We live in a world where information overload is the norm, and staying focused can feel like trying to herd cats. There’s so many times when I start one task and I’m reminded of something totally different that needs to be attended to as well and this cycle continues on until I remember the initial task. So, bookmarking let’s me (in theory) stay on task because I can just click on the little star in the browser line and stay with the initial task in the hopes that I’ll return to the interesting video, article, or news story at a future date. It’s very ambitious of me. 

On one hand, bookmarking is a lifesaver. It’s like having your own little library of knowledge at your fingertips, ready to be explored whenever you have a spare moment. It’s almost like the modern day version of a personal collection of sorts or a recent museum. But on the other hand, it can quickly turn into a digital graveyard of forgotten links, buried under the weight of new distractions and shiny objects vying for my attention. It’s not that I don’t have good intentions, but that’s just what they are. Intentions.

Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so. But fear not — I’m here to share some tips and tricks that have helped me start to reclaim control over my digital habits. I’m still a work in progress so this probably counts as an instance of a visually impaired person leading someone who lost their eyesight (the blind leading the blind).

First things first, prioritize like your life depends on it

Instead of saving every interesting link you come across, be selective. Ask yourself: Is this really worth saving? Will I actually revisit it in the future? I also like to ask myself if the link will lead to a better life and/or more money in the future. If the answer is no, then it’s probably not worth cluttering up your bookmarks with. While this isn’t a a one size fits all approach, I think it’s helpful to consider the big picture and then discard those things that don’t quite align with my goals in the future.

Next up, get organized

Create folders or categories to keep your bookmarks neat and tidy. Whether it’s by topic, urgency, or relevance, having a system in place will make it much easier to find what you’re looking for when you need it. Personally, I created an email address specifically for my ideas so that it’s easy to remind myself of tasks or things I want to read. It also gives me the ability to schedule the emails so that I receive them at times when I have a moment to open up the link and read the article(s).

Now, here’s the tricky part — actually remembering to go back and check your bookmarks

Believe me, I know how hard it can be to stay focused, especially when there’s a world of distractions just a click away. But fear not — there are tools and techniques you can use to help stay on track. Firstly, set reminders on your phone to revisit your bookmarks at designated times. Use website blockers or productivity apps to limit distractions during work or study sessions. Pay attention to your impulses and tendencies to procrastinate, and make conscious choices about how you spend your time online. Personally, I’ve found it helpful to create a 3 to 4 item to-do list when I first turn on my computer.

It keeps me focused and I start with the task that I dread the most. Getting it completed is a great feeling and I’m then more ready to keep the momentum going. So, there you have it — my journey with digital distraction, and how I’ve learned better ways to manage the bookmarking beast. It’s not always easy, but with a little bit of effort and intentionality, it’s definitely possible to take control of your digital habits and make the most of your online experience. Happy browsing!

You should watch Black Cake

There’s nothing like a good series and Black Cake definitely fit the bill. I had heard good things about the show but I decided to wait until the hype and spoilers went down a bit. I was hooked from the first episode. First off, I didn’t read the book so I didn’t have any reference point for the plot. I came to it completely unaware of what exactly to expect and I was in for a treat. I won’t share too much, but if you don’t want any spoilers, this may not be the right place for you.

It’s rare to see shows that follow a person through their entire life. However, the show begins at the end of a woman’s life and then goes backwards. But it all begins with a secret that begins to take a life of its own as the series continues. It’s a story of resiliency and also regret because hindsight is 20/20. We follow a young girl through a series of unfortunate events and relocation to another country. She has to create a new life and eventually reconnects to a part of her past that integrates with her new identity. 

One underlying theme in the series is the importance of family and also friends who become family. Eleanor’s children are quickly thrust into the reality of the fact that their mother is different from who they’ve known her to be. They hear in her own words the story of her past as they deal with complicated grief and the arrival of a relative they didn’t know existed. The theme of the show is that secrets can do more harm than good. Shielding someone from the truth is only beneficial in specific situations.

The show was unpredictable and it held my attention. The storyline was unique and I thought the acting was good. The best thing about the series as a whole was that there was a happy ending. It’s one of those things that you don’t know you need until you have it. The series finale was satisfying and provided some closure to the questions that emerged in previous episodes. So, if you’re looking for a fulfilling one season show with a nice ending, check out Black Cake.


Average Joe is Above Average

One of my favorite pastimes is to watch televisions shows that people aren’t really talking about. And when I say people, I really just mean my timeline(s) on social media. It’s hard to get me interested in a series because it has to keep my attention over a long period of time. I like shows that are unpredictable with a lot of twists and turnes. Average Joe fit the bill.

I want to share why, but be warned there will be some slight spoiler alerts ahead. 

Average Joe is a television show about a plumber who lives in the South with his wife and daughter. His daughter has just started to date and is becoming more invested in her social circle. The first episode finds Joe dealing with the death of his father and the grief that comes along with having to settle his father’s estate. Joe is a stressed out man and it’s very

apparent within all the episodes. He’s just trying to do the right thing and keep food on the table for his family. He loves his wife, but he also wants to make a change in his life. The family is solidly middle class but like most families, they have some financial stressors that make it hard to get ahead. The most notable being that a member of Joe’s immediate family has an autoimmune disease that affects her ability to get around at times and it requires expensive medications to manage symptoms.

How it begins

Joe is minding his business when a quick turn of events within an hour turns his life upside down and makes him a wanted man. The situation is quickly complicated by the arrival of his best friend and the involvement of another friend who works in law enforcement. Without giving too much away, I can honestly say that each episode left me on the edge of my seat. There wasn’t a slow build like many thrillers have. The action started in the very first episode and it stayed that way for the entire series. 

As the show goes on, the intensity increases. Joe and his family have to leave their home because they fear for their lives and are trying to figure out their next moves. It’s interesting to watch Joe and his wife attempt to shield their daughter from the chaos until they discover that she has a significant role to play in finding a resolution. In many ways, the situation is a coming of age for her as she advocates for herself and tries to help her parents in the midst of a situation that seems impossible. Her parents give multiple directions and directives to her and she ignores many of them in true teenage fashion.

One thing I liked was that the supporting cast was solid

Each person had their own role to play and the power of working together was highlighted. Life rarely happens as expected and fiction mimics reality. There were so many ups and downs but I found myself rooting for Joe in each episode because his heart was in the right place. Needless to say, there are multiple storylines that make this show more intriguing. One particularly interesting one is the relationship between Joe and his best friend. We are able to see some of the nuances of relationships, the temptation of greed and how it can affect the ones closest to us. 

All in all, it was a show I’d recommend watching if you like murder mysteries and being surprised. I give it an 8/10 for originality. Check it out sometime.


Couples Shouldn’t Share a Bathroom

And I think that most people would agree. There are certain times where personal space matters more than others. No one wants to be interrupted while attending to business and I can imagine that it probably happens frequently whenever two or more people have to share the same bathroom. Ask any adolescent that has gone through puberty if they’d like their own bathroom and the answer would most likely be yes. There’s just something nice about not having to share a bathroom with others.

Growing up, I had a totally opposite experience. From 1996 to 2001, we were a family of six (6) living in a 1200sq ft house that only had one bathroom. Six people, one bathroom. It was quite a time. As you can imagine, it was tough to have that many people getting ready to go out to the town, but each person needed to take a shower. I think I learned great negotiation skills through those tense moments where we had to figure out who would get dibs on the bathroom. It was an exercise in patience and compromise that I never want to revisit in that manner again.

Fast forward to couples stuff

Living together is a big step for most couples and it often means that a partners are sharing a bed and bathroom. Usually, it’s in the bigger bedroom of the house or apartment and it comes with an attached bathroom. Couples are immediately having to have conversations about preferences and shared space as they get adjusted to the feeling of having someone in their space with them all the time. Sharing a bathroom just comes with the territory. Personally, I don’t think that this situation is ideal and here’s why:

Relationships need space to breathe

Think about it. You tend to think more positive thoughts about your partner when you can spend some time apart. There’s some truth to the fact that absence makes the heart fonder. Sharing a bathroom can feel very smothering and there are just some things that happen that are guaranteed to make you lose the rose colored glasses that you might see them through. Bathrooms tend to be a reflection of our habits and personality and relationships can feel complicated and get stagnant when we get too familiar.

Space and time become more important as you get older

We become more set in our ways and our peace matters more than money. It’s hard to make adjustments after we get over a certain age. People are getting married at older ages and with that comes different expectations of relationships. Separate bathrooms can help you not to lose yourself in the midst of your relationship. You get a chance to get a sink, shower, tub and toilet to yourself to use when you’d like without any feedback from your partner. It can easily be your escape from stress and from the cares of the world. It may also be an experience you want for yourself without any feedback from your partner. 

So, the next time you’re looking for a new place with your significant other, try getting separate bathrooms. You’ll thank yourself later. 

Online Dating Isn’t for the Weak

In todays tech driven world, online dating has emerged as an avenue for meeting romantic partners. These days when you’re asking a couple how they met, the usual answer is typically that they met online in same way. And even if they didn’t meet online, there’s a good chance that the initial romantic interest was communicated through a comment or a private message on social media. However, beyond the seemingly simple act of swiping lies a complex landscape filled with hurdles and intricacies. There are unspoken rules that accompany the dating experience and the chance of rejection is quite high. But what can we do about it? People say they want love, but those same people are often the first to dip out when adversity arrives. The words sound good but the follow through leaves a lot to be desired. 


One significant obstacle in online dating is the dilemma posed by having many options. With an array of dating apps and platforms, the abundance of choices can feel overwhelming. Constant swipes and clicks seem to raise the level of difficulty in finding someone who is relatively well adjusted and (dare I say it?) sane. Amidst a sea of profiles and potential matches, people often find it challenging to distinguish connections from interactions. Messages go unread for hours and days at time and initial interactions frequently are laid to rest in the DM’s. Additionally, the temptation to seek out something a click away can lead to a cycle of perpetual dissatisfaction and uncertainty. It’s almost like a gambling high of sorts. You go into a casino and you sit down at a slot machine. You play the game and as soon as you win, you want to know if you could possibly win more so you keep playing instead of cashing out. It can be an endless cycle that leads to financial ruin, or in this case, a lot of frustration and possible heartbreak. But, at the end of the day, you want to put your best foot forward and show up as attractively as possible. 


Another prevalent issue in dating is the veil of anonymity it provides. People can make up fake names and personas that have nothing to do with the life that they live on a daily basis. Shielded behind screens, individuals can create constructed representations of themselves that showcases an idealized version while concealing vulnerabilities and imperfections.
The idea of presenting oneself as flawless can lead to doubt and disappointment as people struggle with the contrast, between their personas and real life interactions. We can have a gut feeling when someone is immediately evasive and seems to be giving very short answers to questions that are open ended. Additionally the anonymity provided by platforms can encourage individuals to behave manipulatively making it even more challenging to establish genuine connections. We may want a long term partnership, but we also don’t want to be the subject of a reality crime show. It’s a situation that tends to lend itself to some degree of paranoia. Side note: It’s never a bad idea to video chat with someone prior to meeting them in a public place. Safety first.

In a society that values gratification and quick outcomes, online dating promotes the idea of effortless romance. You can easily get sucked into the idea that your soulmate is merely swipes away and there might be some truth to that. People rarely make the effort to introduce themselves to someone in public anymore. Gone are the days when someone asks you out on a date after seeing you randomly in a grocery store. The storybook random encounter interaction is now officially solely the plot of a Hallmark movie with no basis in reality. The ease of browsing through profiles and exchanging messages swiftly can create expectations and impatience. However, the path to discovering relationships is often filled with obstacles, setbacks and false starts. 

Online dating also exposes people to the challenges of feeling rejected. The superficial nature of swipe based platforms can trigger feelings of inadequacy and self doubt as individuals are constantly judged based on their appearance and desirability. You don’t get to ask questions about why you were rejected. It’s like an unknown answer that can quickly grow from a seed of anxiety into a plant. Furthermore, behaviors like ghosting or breadcrumbing in dating norms can leave you feeling disposable and unappreciated. You feel a little bit more of your self esteem slip away with yet another person ghosting you for an unknown reason. The fear of rejection often overshadows the pursuit of connections and closeness.


Getting to know someone can be fun, but that doesn’t mean that dating is 100% fun. It’s a journey that’s filled with uncertainties, frustration, complexity, and sometimes just plain old luck. But if you win, you’ve hit it big.

7 Gift Ideas for the Social Worker In Your Life

Social work month is (almost) here, and it’s time to honor the hardworking social workers who dedicate their lives to making a difference. But what do you get the social worker in your life to show your appreciation? Don’t worry—I’ve got you covered with some thoughtful gift ideas!

Personalized Engraved Pen Set

When it comes to finding the perfect gift for a social worker, it’s essential to choose something that is not only meaningful but also practical. That’s why a personalized engraved pen set makes an excellent choice.

Imagine the joy on their face when they receive a beautiful pen set engraved with their name or a heartfelt message. It’s a thoughtful gesture that shows your appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Plus, every time they use the pen, they’ll be reminded of the impact they make in the lives of others.

But the benefits don’t stop there. A personalized engraved pen set is not only a sentimental gift but a professional one as well. Social workers often need to take notes during meetings or sign important documents, and having a personalized pen adds a touch of sophistication to their work. It’s the perfect accessory for any social worker’s desk.

And the best part? You can easily find a wide variety of personalized engraved pen sets on Amazon. Whether you prefer an elegant set made of high-quality materials or a more affordable yet equally stunning option, there’s a pen set that suits every budget and preference.


Inspirational Wall Art

As a social worker, we often find ourselves faced with challenging situations, requiring strength, resilience, and motivation. That’s where inspirational wall art comes in. These beautiful pieces not only add a touch of aesthetic charm to any office or workspace but also serve as constant reminders of the meaningful impact we make in the lives of others.

When it comes to choosing the perfect inspirational wall art, the options are endless. From motivational quotes that uplift the spirit to serene landscapes that offer moments of tranquility, there is something for every social worker.

One popular choice is a print that features an inspirational quote about the value we add to the world by helping others. These statements serve as daily affirmations, reminding us of the purpose and passion behind our profession. Alternatively, you can opt for a nature-themed artwork, such as a serene beach or a majestic mountain range, to provide a calming backdrop amidst the chaos of the day.

Styles and Designs

When it comes to styles and designs, the possibilities are limitless. You can choose a sleek and minimalist design that complements a modern workspace or go for a vibrant and colorful piece that adds a pop of energy to your office. Whether you prefer abstract art, typography, or photography, there is a wide range of options to suit your personal taste.

Where to Find Inspirational Wall Art

If you’re looking to add some inspiration to your workspace, there are numerous online platforms where you can find a wide selection of inspirational wall art. One popular destination is Amazon, where you’ll find an extensive collection of art decor to choose from. Simply browse through the categories, read reviews, and select the piece that resonates with you the most.

So why not transform your workspace into a source of motivation and positivity? Invest in some inspirational wall art today and let it serve as a constant reminder of the incredible work you do as a social worker.


Daily Planner and Organizer

As a social worker, staying organized and managing your workload effectively is crucial for maintaining productivity. That’s why a reliable daily planner and organizer is an essential tool for any social worker. With its ability to keep track of appointments, deadlines, and important tasks, a daily planner can help you stay on top of your professional responsibilities.

When searching for the perfect daily planner and organizer, it’s important to find one that suits your specific needs and preferences. Look for features such as ample writing space, monthly and weekly layouts, and sections for notes and to-do lists. A well-designed planner can become your personal assistant, helping you stay focused and motivated throughout the day.

To make the search easier for you, I recommend checking out the following daily planners available on Amazon:

  1. The Clever Fox Planner: This sleek and efficient planner offers goal-setting and habit-tracking features to help you stay aligned with your objectives. With its undated format, you can start using it at any time to plan both your personal and professional life.
  2. The Panda Planner: Designed with a focus on positivity and mindfulness, the Panda Planner provides daily, weekly, and monthly sections to help you prioritize tasks and reflect on your progress. Its simple yet effective layout makes it an excellent choice for social workers seeking balance and self-care.

Investing in a high-quality daily planner and organizer can significantly enhance your productivity and make a positive impact on your professional life. So why wait? Choose the one that resonates with you and start organizing your daily tasks like a pro.


Self-Care Gift Set

Who doesn’t need a little self-care in their lives? As social workers, we tend to put others’ needs before our own, but it’s essential to prioritize our own well-being as well. That’s why a self-care gift set is the perfect way to show your appreciation for a social worker.

Whether it’s a long day at the office, dealing with challenging cases, or simply the daily stresses of the job, social workers often encounter situations that can take a toll on their mental and emotional health. That’s where a self-care gift set comes in handy. It’s a thoughtful gesture that reminds them to take time for themselves and practice self-care.

What’s in a Self-Care Gift Set?

self-care gift set typically includes a variety of items designed to promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. It can include soothing bath products like bath bombs or bath salts, aromatic candles for creating a tranquil atmosphere, and luxurious skincare products for pampering the skin. Other items that can be included are a cozy blanket, a journal for reflection, and even a calming tea blend to unwind after a long day.

By gifting a self-care gift set, you’re not only giving social workers the tools they need to unwind and recharge but also showing them that you recognize and value the importance of self-care in their lives.

self-care gift set

Where to Find the Perfect Self-Care Gift Set?

When it comes to finding the perfect self-care gift set, Amazon is an excellent place to start. They offer a wide range of options to suit different preferences and budgets. From organic and vegan products to luxury spa sets, you’re sure to find something that will make any social worker feel appreciated and cared for.


Professional Development Books

Looking to enhance your knowledge and skills as a social worker? Look no further than professional development books. These valuable resources offer insights, strategies, and inspiration to support your career growth and make a lasting impact in your field.

When it comes to choosing the right books, there are plenty of options tailored specifically for social workers. Whether you’re seeking guidance in specialized areas like mental health, child welfare, or community development, or want to dive into broader topics like advocacy and policy, there’s a book out there that will satisfy your thirst for knowledge.

Here are some top-rated professional development books for social workers:

  1. The Social Worker’s Companion: A Way to Organize Your Case Notes
  2. 101 Careers in Social Work 
  3. Burnout Recovery
  4. Chicken Soup for the Soul

These books cover a wide range of topics and are authored by experienced professionals in the field. They provide practical advice, case studies, and useful tools that you can apply directly to your work. Whether you’re a seasoned social worker or just starting your career, there’s something for everyone.

So, why wait? Invest in your professional development today and take your career to new heights. You can find these books and more on Amazon, where you’ll also have the opportunity to read reviews and select the format that suits your preferences.


Let’s not forget the immense contributions of social workers and the vital role they play in our society. Social work is a noble profession dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals and communities.  From personalized engraved pen sets to inspirational wall art, these gifts serve as tokens of gratitude and inspiration for the incredible work social workers do on a daily basis.

Each gift idea offers a unique way to honor and support social workers. By acknowledging their contributions and providing them with thoughtful gifts, we can contribute to their well-being and motivation as they continue to make a difference in the lives of others.

Easier vs. Better

As hard as it is to hear, I’m at a place in my life where I want to hear the truth. While I know it’s not always comfortable and that I can end up being a bit hurt at times, it still beats alternative of being lied to. Lies can just be more convenient and appear to be the best option. However, in the long run, it’s generally a bad idea to build your life or make decisions based on untruths. Like most people, I strongly dislike being mislead and I’d rather know something than not knowing something.

So enter relationships. The romantic sort. They can be messy, complicated and very emotionally taxing. We’ve all seen couples where we were secretly hoping that they would recognize their lack of compatibility and just part ways. It was toxic from day one and just continued to go downhill from the moment they decided to form a “trauma bond” and be in romantic relationship. It’s a relationship that makes us all happy that we aren’t in their shoes and having to make the same decisions.

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

And then there are the rare exceptions to normality in a positive direction that leave us all dumbfounded (I think that’s a word). They seem to be in sync on everything and against all odds appear to be consistently happy together for months and years at a time. Their relationship appears to be a good partnership and both people are blissfully in love, in like, and in life together. A rarity indeed. It’s a reminder to us all that it’s a beautiful thing to have a trusted life companion. The reality flipside is that for many of us, our romantic relationships fall into the “normal” box. We have our general frustrations and bones to pick. But we’ve decided that we’re going to try to make it work because it makes sense for now and overall, the outcome has been positive.

Every relationship has a culture and this can be different and varied depending on the people involved in said relationship. There’s good and bad times, ups and downs and in-between moments. Life with someone takes compromise, communication, trust and honesty. We can veer off course but eventually through time and understanding and applying relationship skills like the ones that are outlined in this workbook, we find our way back to our partner. It’s not easy to think about someone else all the time because your decisions affect them. Conversations can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings that require humility and effort to resolve. We don’t always get our way. However, for many, having a relationship doesn’t make their life easier, but it makes it better. We like the fact that there’s someone to come home to and there’s an emergency contact outside of friends and family that actually cares. We have a person that will listen and support in a way that only someone who knows us well can do.

It’s an interesting concept to consider the whole idea of better vs. easier. I think many times we have to make decisions that require us to sacrifice one for the other. What’s better generally isn’t easier and what’s easier generally isn’t better. Of course there are exceptions but those don’t necessarily apply to relationships and interactions with others. We make decisions based on what we hope the outcome will be and wish for the best. Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

Self Discovery (Nerding Out)

Spending time with people provides more than just a glimpse into their true character. It also presents us with a remarkable opportunity for self-discovery. As we engage in deep connections and explore the impact of the Ego, we embark on our own journey of understanding ourselves better.. When we interact with others on a genuine level, we mirror their experiences and emotions. Through these interactions, we gain valuable insights into our own strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. This process of self-reflection allows us to identify areas for personal growth and self-improvement. Furthermore, the Ego acts as a mirror that reflects our own insecurities, fears, and desires. By observing how the Ego manifests in others, we can identify the ways in which it affects our own behavior and actions. This newfound awareness empowers us to confront and overcome our own ego-driven patterns, leading to personal transformation.

“The only journey is the journey within.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

As we embark on the journey of self-discovery, we develop a deeper understanding of our own values, beliefs, and motivations. We gain clarity about our true passions and purpose in life. By examining the impact of the Ego and embracing our authentic selves, we free ourselves from societal expectations and embark on a path of fulfillment and self-realization.


Benefits of the Journey of Self-Discovery

The journey of self-discovery offers numerous benefits that extend beyond individual growth. By understanding ourselves better, we cultivate empathy and compassion towards others. This newfound understanding enhances our ability to form meaningful connections and establish authentic relationships. Moreover, the journey of self-discovery equips us with the tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace. Through self-reflection and self-acceptance, we become better equipped to make choices aligned with our true values and aspirations. This heightened self-awareness fosters personal fulfillment and empowers us to pursue a life that is true to ourselves.

Embarking on the journey of self-discovery is a transformative endeavor that requires time, patience, and introspection. It is a continuous process of self-exploration and self-evolution. However, the rewards are immeasurable, as it enables us to live a life of authenticity, purpose, and deep fulfillment.

Benefits of Self-DiscoveryBenefits of Self-Discovery
Enhanced self-awarenessImproved relationships
Greater clarity of purposeResilience in facing challenges
Alignment with personal valuesHeightened self-fulfillment
Improved decision-makingEmbracing authenticity


In conclusion, the Ego serves as a revealing lens through which we can understand the truth about individuals. By spending ample time with others, we can uncover their true character and gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of human nature. Embracing this knowledge allows us to foster more authentic connections and navigate our own journeys of self-discovery.